Sabtu, 07 Desember 2019

Learn Effective Ways to Stop Smoking Here

Everyone certainly knows the bad effects of smoking on health. Smoking can damage the lungs and cause heart disease, even stroke. However, quitting smoking is still not an easy thing to do. Though quitting smoking is an important step for someone to have a chance to live healthier and more quality. In the following effective ways anyone can stop the habit forever. Quitting smoking is difficult at first, there are some people who even fail to do it. However, your commitment to become a former smoker will greatly help efforts to quit the habit. Research shows that the most successful people who stop smoking are using more than one method. Start by choosing the best strategy for stopping smoking. You can also involve your doctor to find effective ways and strategies to stop your smoking. There are three important steps that must be implemented when you decide to stop smoking, which is preparation to stop smoking, stop, and still stop smoking. To succeed in these three steps, there are a number of methods that can help, including nicotine replacement therapy, and changing lifestyles to be healthier. In addition, there are a variety of other effective ways to stop smoking that you can apply in your daily life, including:

Make a list of reasons and targets for quitting smoking

Write a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking, and remember those reasons wherever you go. Reason becomes important for a change. Reasons or intentions that come from you will make it easier for you to stop smoking forever. Start by removing all ashtrays, matches, and cigarettes from your reach. Also set a target time when you start to stop smoking and when you will stop completely from the habit. Don't forget to tell your friends, relatives and family that you are in the stage of stopping smoking, so that they support you and not offer you cigarettes.

Anticipate Symptoms that Arise at the beginning of Smoking Cessation

Feeling sick (nausea), headache, anxiety, until the feeling of irritability will usually arise at the beginning of quitting smoking. These symptoms are caused by the reduction of nicotine in your body. Generally, these conditions will peak within a 12-24 hour period and then will gradually subside within 2-4 weeks. Another thing you may face is that the symptoms of cough are quite severe, this is because the airways in your body are functioning again. Don't be tempted to smoke even though the stone gets worse when you stop smoking, stay focused on continuing your goal. The symptoms of coughing will subside slowly.

Medical treatment

Usually the medical step used to overcome smoking addiction is nicotine replacement therapy. You can also get the nicotine effect from gum, lozenges, plasters, inhalers and nasal sprays, all of which contain nicotine. Doctors can also prescribe medical drugs such as bupropion or varenicline.

Alternative Therapies

Another method of quitting smoking is to undergo alternative therapies such as hypnotherapy and acupuncture. Hypnosis is the process of focusing the mind in a relaxed state to change behavior. It is difficult to examine whether this procedure is really effective in making someone stop smoking. However, some people claim to have felt the benefits. If you want to try, your doctor may be able to recommend a professional hypnosis therapist. Meanwhile, the use of acupuncture as a form of quitting smoking therapy is usually applied to the ear. Although its effectiveness has not been proven scientifically, but there is no harm in trying it according to the instructions of a licensed therapist.

Change Routines and Avoid Triggers

Avoid factors that can make you go back to smoking, such as gathering with fellow smokers, drinking coffee, or alcoholic drinks. If you are used to smoking after eating, you can look for other ways as a substitute, such as taking a walk, chewing gum, snacking on nuts, watermelon, or even brushing your teeth. If you have to attend a party, divert your attention from cigarettes and alcoholic beverages by drinking fruit juice. When the urge to smoke comes, try to postpone it, busy yourself with activities like walking, exercising, or doing your other hobbies. Don't forget to drink more water and fruit juice.

Say 'None' to cigarettes

When you decide to stop smoking, try to discipline yourself. Maybe once in a while you are tempted to smoke and say, "Just one stick doesn't matter." Keep that thought. Smoking a cigarette even if only one can trigger you to keep smoking a cigarette again and again.

Counseling and Support Groups

Counseling therapy can help identify and focus on stopping smoking strategies. This therapy is done by talking to the counselor or support group. To maximize success, this therapy can be combined with nicotine replacement therapy and / or with drugs.

Relaxation Method

Quitting smoking can indeed stress yourself out. But this can be overcome with relaxation methods such as doing yoga, massage, tai chi, listening to classical music, deep breaths, and other body work. The above efforts are indeed not an easy thing to implement. Repeated failure to stop smoking is a common condition. Failing that doesn't mean you can't get out of cigarettes. Many people finally can stop forever after trying several times. Remember, doing something we can do is better than doing nothing. And every time you reject the urge to smoke, then you will be closer to your goal, which is to stop smoking.

Don't Always Lose by Hunger

Hunger must be experienced by everyone. Hunger sensation is the body's natural alarm to let you know that you need food. But before you eat, first understand whether you are really hungry or not. The sensation of hunger can be recognized from the stomach growling, thinking of food, lack of concentration, to irritability. Usually 3-4 hours after eating, our bodies can feel hungry again, and hunger will increase with increasing time.

Hunger Scale

Have you ever felt hungry again after just eating a meal? Or feel hungry after seeing food photos? The hunger scale can help distinguish whether you are hungry because of actual hunger (physical hunger) or psychological hunger. Psychological hunger is the desire to eat that is caused by certain emotions, such as feeling sad, bored, stressed, or because of seeing food photos or smelling interesting food aromas. Hunger scales from 1 (hunger) to 10 (very good) are used to describe hunger levels. The following explanation:
  • Starving

  • Characterized by dizziness, headaches, unable to concentrate, problems with body coordination, and loss of energy to have to lie down. This can happen when someone goes on a very strict diet.
  • Very hungry

  • Accompanied by feelings of irritability and irritability, little energy, stomach growling, may feel nauseous.
  • Pretty hungry

  • Feel a strong urge to eat, and the stomach feels empty.
  • Start feeling a little hungry

  • Start thinking about food, the body signals to eat.
  • Not full, but also not hungry

  • The body has enough fuel alias allergic, and feel comfortable both physically and psychologically.
  • Full

  • In this condition, the body is at full comfort level.
  • Stomach is a little uncomfortable

  • Actually there is no room for food anymore. The body says "no" to food, but the mind says "yes". Sometimes stuck in the term "pity if thrown".
  • Full

  • On this hunger scale, your stomach has started to hurt due to satiety.
  • Discomfort makes the body tired

  • Stomach aches, very uncomfortable, and so. The body also feels heavy and tired.
  • It's so bad that I'm fed up with food

  • he was so full that he didn't want to or couldn't move, and felt like he didn't want to see food anymore.

Differentiating Physical and Psychological Hunger

Not everyone feels hungry only when their stomach is empty. Here are the differences between physical and psychological hunger:
  • Physical hunger

  • Hunger appears gradually, stomach growling, occurs a few hours after eating, stops after being full, and feels satisfied when finished eating.
  • Psychologically hungry

  • Hunger comes on suddenly, has nothing to do with the last meal, is hungry or wants to eat something specifically, keeps eating even though it feels full, and feels embarrassed or guilty after eating.
If the desire to eat often arises, ask yourself a few questions:
  • Are you really hungry?
  • What is the reason you want to eat? When was the last time you ate? Because if it turns out it's still less than 2-3 hours ago, then it's not really hungry.
  • Does eating a nutritious snack that is rich in fiber can reduce hunger until the next meal?
  • Can you drink a glass of water and wait for 20 minutes? The nerves in the stomach send signals to the brain that you are full, but it can take up to 20 minutes.

When to Eat and When to Stop

If you are confused when a good time to eat and stop, hunger scale can help you pay more attention to the signals given by the body. By knowing your hunger scale and applying it slowly, you will eventually get used to managing your hunger. You also will not feel begah or satiety, making it difficult for you to move. To overcome hunger that you often experience, schedule large meals and snacking time. Divide your meal portions, then eat every 3 or 4 hours with small portions. Do not let you overeat when hungry, because eating too much can trigger excess weight. In addition, stay away from foods that do not make you full longer, such as fast food (junk food) and junk food. Although it contains a lot of fat, fast food does not make you full longer like fibrous food. If your hunger is difficult to stop, or to cause health problems due to excess weight, you should consult a doctor to get further examination and treatment.

Pancreatic Function and Handling Pancreatic Disorders

The pancreas is one of the organs in the human digestive system. In general, the function of the pancreas in the body is to produce hormones and enzymes to destroy food in the stomach. The following is an explanation of further pancreatic function and disorders that can arise if the pancreas is damaged, as well as how to maintain pancreatic health.

Understanding Pancreatic Function

The pancreas is behind the abdominal cavity with a length of 18-25 cm and has an elongated shape, resembling a fish. The function of the pancreas is divided into two, namely exocrine and endocrine functions. The following explanation:
  • Exocrine function

  • Exocrine glands are glands that secrete products through a channel, leading to the surface of the body or other tissues in the body. Examples are the salivary glands, sweat glands, and digestive glands. As an exocrine gland, the pancreas produces digestive enzymes that are passed into the digestive tract. These enzymes have their respective functions. For example, lipase enzymes to break down fat, kemotripsin and trypsin to digest protein, and amylase to break down carbohydrates.
  • Endocrine function

  • While the endocrine glands are glands that channel their products into the bloodstream. The function of the endocrine glands in the pancreas is secreting hormones, namely the insulin hormone and glucagon hormone. Both of these hormones play a role in regulating glucose or sugar levels in the blood. The hormone insulin will bind glucose from the blood to be carried to various tissues in the body, so that it can be used as energy. The hormone insulin is also important for the liver, because it helps the liver absorb glucose and store it as glycogen. Glycogen is useful as an energy reserve when the body needs extra energy. When glucose in the blood is too low, the glucagon hormone which will break down glycogen in the liver into glucose.

What happens if the pancreas is damaged?

A healthy pancreas will produce enzymes and hormones in the right amount and time when we eat. However, pancreas that has a disorder can not produce digestive enzymes optimally, so that absorption of food is also disrupted Disorders of the pancreas can also cause several dangerous diseases. The following are some types of disorders or damage to the pancreas, including:
  • Type 1 and type 2 diabetes

  • In type 2 diabetes, the body does not use insulin as it should (be resistant) and blood sugar rises. The pancreas also loses the ability to produce and release insulin according to the body's needs. Whereas in type 1 diabetes, the immune system actually attacks the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin, so that in people with type 1 diabetes needed insulin injections for life.
  • Pancreatitis

  • The main cause of this disease is still unknown, but gallstone problems and the habit of consuming alcoholic beverages can be one of the triggers. In pancreatitis, the pancreas becomes inflamed and damaged, due to digestive substances that it produces itself. Pancreatitis can cause tissue death in the pancreas.
  • Cystic fibrosis

  • Cystic fibrosis or cystic fibrosis is caused by genetic disorders that cause abnormalities in the pancreas and lungs. This condition can cause diabetes or digestive problems.
  • Pancreatic cancer

  • Pancreatic cancer can be said to be a disease that is secretly deadly, because the initial symptoms are few and even invisible. In the pancreas there are several types of cells with different types, and each has the potential to become malignant. What most often develops into cancer are cells found in the pancreatic ducts.
  • Pancreatic pseudocyst

  • A fluid-filled cavity called a pseudocyst can form after an attack of pancreatitis. This condition can be overcome by performing drainage surgery, but in some patients it can heal on its own.
In addition to some of the above diseases, other disorders or damage to the pancreas are pancreatic islet cell tumors in which the production of hormones increases sharply, as well as enlargement of the pancreas, both with normal function so that no treatment is needed, or due to a disease that requires treatment.

How to deal with pancreatic disorders?

To avoid some of the diseases above, you need to maintain pancreatic health. A simple way that can be done is to change the lifestyle that is lived. This can be done by eating healthy foods with balanced nutrition, exercising regularly, and maintaining an ideal body weight. In addition, avoid smoking and consume less alcoholic beverages, or even stop altogether. Excessive smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages can damage the function and health of the pancreas. However, if you have already experienced a disruption in pancreatic function, you can take medication according to the disorder you are experiencing, including:
  • Insulin injection

  • This insulin injection is usually given to people with type 1 diabetes, or to type 2 diabetes who can no longer be treated with oral medication. The point is to reduce blood sugar levels.
  • Giving enzymes

  • Giving pancreatic enzymes is given to those who have cystic fibrosis. Giving enzymes is usually done through enzyme supplements.
  • Drainage

  • This drainage is performed on pseudocyst patients by inserting a needle and tube into the pseudocyst through the skin, then the tube is connected to the abdominal or intestinal cavity. This is to remove or dry the cyst.
  • Resection of pancreatic cancer

  • This operation is done by removing the gallbladder, part of the head of the pancreas, and the base of the small intestine.
  • Pseudocyst surgery

  • Pseudocyst surgery can be performed with laparotomy or laparoscopic techniques. Laparotomy is a surgery with a long vertical incision in the abdomen. Laparoscopy is surgery through several small incisions, using a device in the form of binoculars with a camera. Both of these surgical techniques are used to remove a pseudocyst.
  • Islet cell transplantation

  • This transplant is still under research and is done to cure type 1 diabetes. The transplant is done by removing the patient's islet cells and replaced with pancreatic islet cells from the donor.
  • Pancreas transplant

  • This transplantation is carried out in patients with cystic fibrosis and diabetes, using a replacement pancreas from the donor.
Start getting used to living a healthy lifestyle by stopping smoking and reducing the consumption of alcoholic beverages. In addition, you are advised to avoid unhealthy eating patterns that can cause obesity. To find out the health of the pancreas and get treatment for the disorders that occur, consult a doctor thoroughly.

Dry Lip Medication You Need to Try

Dry lips can become uncomfortable and cause chapping and pain if they are not used. The use of lip balm is a dry lip remedy that you can try to overcome. Chapped lips are a general term used to describe dry lips. Chapped lips occur when the lips experience dryness, scaling, or cracking. This can cause irritation and even pain. The skin on your lips is thinner than the skin on the entire body, so it is susceptible to dryness and cracking. Dry lips are a very common condition in most people. Anyone can experience it, especially if they have dry skin. The cause of chapped lips due to the absence of oil glands on the lips. Lack of moisture on the lips can make matters worse. Weather factors can also be the cause. Other causes that make lips dry are licking habits and the use of lipstick that is not suitable. The best way to deal with dry lips is to use lip balm containing oil or beeswax regularly. Lip balm acts as a shield to protect your lips from the sun, wind and cold or dry air. Lip balm will also keep the lips moisturized, and avoid infection of chapped lips. You may need to try several different products before finding one that works for your lips. If you are sensitive to products that contain fragrances, it is recommended to choose lip balm without aroma. Avoid lip balms that are in the container, because by dipping your finger into it can contaminate germs. If you are in an area with winter, it is advisable to cover your lips with a scarf when outside. This can also help prevent dryness in the lips. If using lip balm as a dry lip remedy is ineffective, you are advised to visit a dermatologist to see if there is an underlying medical condition. It's a good idea to also know important things to avoid, which are:
  • Antibiotic ointment

  • You may not need to add antibiotic ointment unless there is an indication of infection. Ask your doctor to get the right treatment.
  • Zinc Oxide

  • This drug is not to treat chapped lips, but is a sunscreen ingredient that can help prevent damage from sun exposure.
  • Hydrocortisone

  • This steroid cream can cause thinning of the skin around the mouth and can trigger acne.
  • Natural products

  • Like shea butter, beeswax, lanolin, coconut oil and mentholatum can be used for lip care, but can cause allergies in most people and worsen chapped lips.
In addition to lip balm that you can use as a medicine for dry lips, the following tips can also be used to treat and prevent dry and chapped lips:
  • Stay hydrated. Dry and cracked lips indicate that you are deficient in fluid intake.
  • Use lip balm products with sunscreen. This is to help protect the damage caused by solar radiation that causes chapped lips.
  • Don't lick lips. Saliva can worsen dry lips and cause the lips to lose moisture.
  • Don't peel the lips. The skin will replace old cells at the right time, flaking will make dry lips become increasingly uncomfortable.
  • Lip masks can also be used to treat chapped lips
See a doctor immediately if lips become reddish and wounds appear. The doctor will suggest the right dry lip medication, and may suggest antifungals or antibiotics if an infection occurs.

Vasectomy, this is what you should know about

Vasectomy is a contraceptive procedure in men by cutting the sperm distribution in semen. Thus, pregnancy can be prevented because sperm cannot fertilize a woman's egg. In this procedure, the channel that carries sperm from the testes is cut and bound to prevent sperm from reaching semen released during ejaculation during sexual intercourse. Vasectomy can also be referred to as sterilization or permanent contraception in men. Surgery to reopen the sperm duct is possible, but it is not always successful. Vasectomy procedures are carried out through minor surgical operations with the provision of local anesthesia, so that the patient is kept awake. The anesthesia is only done in the scrotal and testicular area. The time for vasectomy alone only takes 10 to 30 minutes. In addition, the risk of vasectomy is also very small and the patient can go home after the vasectomy procedure is performed.

Vasectomy Indications

Vasectomy can be done after the patient is fully aware that he does not want to have more children and choose contraception by vasectomy. This method of contraception is attractive to men who want a contraceptive procedure quickly and do not need treatment in a hospital. Nevertheless, the decision to do a vasectomy should be a joint agreement with a partner.

Vasectomy Warning

Vasectomy can be done at any age. However, doctors usually do not recommend this method for men under the age of 30 years and do not have children. Special considerations also need to be given to men with certain medical conditions, such as:
  • Currently taking anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs.
  • Has acute post-traumatic skin infection or has a scrotum scar.
  • Having anatomic abnormalities, such as a large varicocele or hydrocele.
  • Have a history of blood disorders or excessive bleeding.
  • Have allergies or are sensitive to local anesthetics or antibiotics.
  • Have a history of surgery on the genitals before.
  • Having a urinary tract infection or recurrent genital infection.

Before vasectomy

Before performing a vasectomy, your doctor will ask you to stop taking aspirin or other blood-thinning drugs for 7 days. These drugs can increase the risk of bleeding during vasectomy surgery. Meanwhile, to prevent infection, you will be asked to clean the genitals and shave the genitals throughout the scrotum using a razor the day before the vasectomy is done. On the day of vasectomy, bring tight underwear to wear after surgery to support the scrotum and reduce swelling. Also, invite someone who can take you home after the vasectomy. A few hours before the vasectomy, the consumption of pre-operative medicines recommended by the doctor. Furthermore, avoid consuming heavy food and replace it with light snacks.

Vasectomy Procedure

Vasectomy procedures can be performed by general surgeons or urologists in hospitals or clinics. Some preparations made before vasectomy include:
  • Clean the testes and scrotum with antiseptic fluid.
  • If needed, the doctor can give sedatives orally or intravenously. Giving this drug will make the patient sleepy.
  • Local anesthetic injection of scrotal skin. The anesthetic that can be given is 1 percent lidocaine with or without epinephrine.
To run a vasectomy, there are two surgical techniques that can be done, namely the conventional technique and the technique without a scalpel. In conventional techniques, the doctor makes a 1-inch incision on each side of the scrotum so that the doctor can reach the sperm channel (vas deferens). After that, both sperm ducts are cut off and the ends of each duct are sewn or closed using a diathermy. Each incision is then sutured with a thread that can be absorbed by the skin so there is no need to remove the post-operative thread. Whereas in a vasectomy without a scalpel, the doctor clamps the sperm ducts under the scrotum skin with clamps. After that, a small hole is made in the skin above the sperm duct. The hole is opened using a pair of forceps, so the doctor can reach the sperm duct, to then cut and bind. In this procedure, blood does not come out much and feels less pain than conventional techniques. Another way that can be done is to install a vasclip to close or clamp the sperm duct, so that no cutting and binding are made. But this method is less effective compared to other methods.

After vasectomy

For one to two hours after vasectomy, patients can still feel the effects of anesthesia on the scrotum. After that, the patient starts to feel a little pain and swelling which will generally disappear within a few days. To reduce this, compress the scrotum with an ice bag for at least 36 hours, rest for 24 hours, and use tight bandages or underwear to support the scrotum for at least 48 hours after vasectomy. If needed, pain medications such as paracetamol can also be taken. In addition, several things that need to be considered after a vasectomy include:
  • Maintain personal hygiene by bathing after surgery and gently drying the area of ​​the former operation.
  • Avoid strenuous activities for 3 days after vasectomy, such as exercising or lifting weights because it can cause pain or bleeding in the scrotum. Generally, patients can resume normal activities after 8 to 9 days after the vasectomy procedure.
  • Sex can be re-done several days after the vasectomy or after the patient feels comfortable doing it. However, sperm are usually still left in the vas deferens channel up to 20 or 30 ejaculations. During this time, patients are asked to use other constructs to prevent pregnancy. Tests to ensure clean semen from sperm can be done at least 8 weeks after vasectomy.
  • Vasectomy does not make a person free from transmission of sexually transmitted infections, such as HIV. The most effective way to protect against this disease is to use a condom.

Complications of vasectomy

Although rare, vasectomy can cause some serious problems such as the following:
  • Infection. This is caused by bacteria that enter the cut wound in the scrotum.
  • Hematoma. This condition occurs when there is bleeding and blood seepage into the scrotum, causing the scrotum to feel painful and swollen.
  • Sperm granuloma. In this case, there is a hard lump containing sperm in the tissue around the testes. This lump usually feels very painful.
  • Testicle feels full. This usually occurs due to epididymis in the scrotum filled with the remaining sperm, this condition can subside within a few weeks.
  • Pain in the testicles. This pain can appear some time or several years after a vasectomy is performed. The cause is a wound or a pinched nerve during surgery. Vasectomy patients who experience pain like this are recommended to undergo surgery, in order to improve the condition and minimize pain.
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